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    válasz soldier2 #29496 üzenetére

    Hejjj! Az üresoblites a kiskarosoknál nem tanacsos. Közvetlen shot elott kifejezetten káros.

    "The important point is that under no circumstances should you try and bring the group of the dipper design up to temperature after it has been sitting idle by embarking on what I call 'open port flushing'. That is to say, by simply moving the lever on the group and allowing water to gush from the boiler unrestricted. This will almost instantly exhaust the thermal capacity of the group as a result of the high flow rate that occurs through the group when no coffee is in the portafilter to regulate the flow. Rapid flushing of water at boiler temperature through the group not only over heats the metal immediately surrounding the bore in the group but also leaves cold spots in the group."

    Idézet az ex angol Olympia-disztributortol (http://londiniumespresso.com/blog/how-to-warm-up-a-dipper-design-espresso-machine-group).
    A blogbol igazából az sejlik, h Reiss sem tudott a fejben levő plusz járatrol, ami a gyorsabb felmelegiteshez is használható, de ettől függetlenül tanulságos olvasmány érdeklődőknek.

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