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  • Dave™


    válasz looser #8027 üzenetére

    hát igen, idéznék az ABI 2008 top 5 tesztjéből:

    Back when the clip was first released marketing literature touted that the clip was the best sounding mp3 player. I scoffed at these claims and could not wait to get my hands on one to bust this allegedly exaggerated marketing speak. I plugged it into some high end headphones and was instantly impressed; I couldn’t bust these outlandish claims. The Clip is a staple in my gear bag paired with the $500 Shure SE530 headphones. It is still one of the best sounding MP3 players do date and paired with the lowest priced player made for a killer combination.

    szerk: Padree.c2 inkább CX400-at nézz, nem sokkal drágább, de megéri a pénzét :) CX95 kevésbé jó ár/teljesítmény arányban :(((

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