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  • Raymond


    válasz barcalaci84 #22325 üzenetére

    Van meg rajta mit csiszolni hiaba a 6 kamera:

    "In order to dump the older Vive systems' reliance on lighthouse tracking boxes, HTC has opted for a whopping six-camera array on the Vive Cosmos. Four sensors scan ahead, above, and below the headset on its front face, while an additional pair of sensors flanks the headset's left and right sides.

    But my own personal red flag went off when I asked HTC's reps for my favorite testing app: Beat Saber. This game is a great measure of "normal" VR hand movement for a couple reasons: it doesn't require waving hands behind the head (where cameras traditionally can't track), but it still demands a mix of wild gesticulation and rapid movement to beat its rhythm-matching levels. HTC didn't have a copy of the game handy, the reps said.

    Instead, I was offered a sword-swinging app, which simply asked me to wave my hands ahead of me to parry and strike foes. This motion was decidedly less intense than what's required from an "expert" Beat Saber song, yet I was still left feeling concerned. For one, something about the Vive Cosmos's tracking array kept losing my hands for "acceptable but noticeable" split seconds on a regular basis."


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  • Segal


    válasz barcalaci84 #22325 üzenetére

    Pontosan :K
    Bevallom cv1 tulajként eljátszottam a gondolattal és evégett néztem be most megint ide de kivárok kicsit mások véleményére. Szóval ki vállalja be? :DDD :B

    "Ez nem változtat azon, hogy tisztességtelen dolog botokkal felvásárolni 160-180e indulóáron a 3060 Ti-t, aztán 250e-ért árulni a HA-n." Ez miért lenne tisztességtelen? Te is meg bárki lesheti botokkal a boltokat, ugyanúgy meg tudod venni a cuccot azon az áron, mint a scalper.(1 házigazda válasz...)

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák