
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • atomeec

    senior tag

    válasz Plazmacucci #22080 üzenetére

    Ilyet találtam, próbáld ki :)

    "The Amp Out on your Pocket POD can be tuned for optimal performance with a variety of

    systems. By default, your Pocket POD expects to be plugged-in to the instrument input of a

    combo amp or head with an open-backed cabinet. If you want to plug in to something else,

    you’ll want to change the Cabinet Tuning Mode. To do this, do the following:

    • Press and hold the Save and Down buttons while plugging in the guitar input.

    • After startup, the display will show “Cab Select”.

    • The display will show current cabinet tuning selection.

    • Press the Up or Down buttons to change selection as follows:

    Use Mode... when Pocket POD is... ........& your speaker cabs are...

    A................ feeding a power amp input .....closed back (ideal for 4x12 cab)

    B ................feeding a power amp input..... open back (ideal for 1x12)

    C (default).... feeding an instrument input... open back (ideal for 1x12 or 2x12)

    D ................feeding an instrument input ....closed back (ideal for 4x12)

    Direct ..........feeding a recording device, mixer, live P.A., etc. .........not connected

    • Press Save to store the selection."

    Ha valami nem érthető, szólj, bár most nem leszek pár órát.

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák