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    válasz VinoRosso #24842 üzenetére

    Team - Budget - Cost Per Point:
    Ferrari - £212m ($406.5m) -
    Mclaren - £210m ($402m) - £1.03m/£0.9m*

    Due to the nature of F1, an exact figure can’t be published, but looking at all revenue sources, a team like Ferrari and McLaren will raise £160 million through sponsorship, £10 million through merchandise, and £90 million through FOA-distributed profits. This totals an estimated £260 million. So after all, it looks as though a front-running Formula One team does make a profit, with mid-field teams breaking even.
    forrás: http://bleacherreport.com/

    Most, hogy végre választ kaptál a kérdésedre, lezárhatjuk, ugye?

    VIR-re gondolsz?

    Rationally I have no hope, irrationally I believe in miracles.

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