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  • Lassú Víz


    válasz vond #12349 üzenetére

    Végig kell olvasni a cikket. Meg tudta volna csinálni. A magam részéről elfogadom a bocsánatkérését. Azt sosem fogjuk megtudni, hogy hogyan alakult volna a történet, ha nem bukik le. Úgy vélem tanult belőle, remélem más is. Mindannyian hibázunk valahol, valamikor, valamiben.

    A kiemelések most én tettem bele.

    Update: we just received an explanation from Chay Yu Wei

    "Like one user commented, I was on a photo walk in Chinatown and I chanced upon that set of ladders. I snapped a picture of it, and subsequently felt that a plane at that spot would make for an interesting point of view. Hence, I inserted the plane with PicsArt and uploaded it to Instagram. That’s how I use Instagram, sometime it’s to showcase the work I’m proud of, sometimes just to have fun. This case, that small plane was just for fun and it was not meant to bluff anyone. I would have done it with photoshop if I really meant to lie about it, but no, it was a playful edit using the PicsArt app and uploaded to Instagram. When my friends commented with some questions, I also answered it jokingly, saying it’s the last flight of the day and saying it was my lucky day that I did not wait too long. At that time, of course everyone who read it took it as a joke, before this issue arrived and it is taken seriously.

    However, I made a mistake by not keeping it to Instagram as a casual social media platform. I crossed the line by submitting the photo for a competition. I meant it as a joke and I’m really sorry to Nikon for disrespecting the competition. It is a mistake and I shouldn’t have done that. I also shouldn’t have jokingly answered Nikon that I caught the plane in mid-air and should have just clarified that the plane was edited in using PicsArt. This is my fault and I sincerely apologise to Nikon, to all Nikon Photographers, and to the photography community as general.

    This has been a great lesson to me, and I hope I will be a wiser person to use this as encouragement to polish my photography skill. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I also appreciate all the supports from friends around me.”

    A mérnökkel már egy órája vitatkozol valamin, mire rájössz, hogy ő ezt élvezi.

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