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  • myckey


    válasz myckey #13 üzenetére

    Reddit ,ahogy a többi anyag is.

    The graphics look amazing and its clearly a very big improvement over the first one. I’m genuinely enjoying playing it and watching gameplay

    The animals feel much more alive and dynamic and I really like that.

    Of course it has some things that need to be patched but don’t all games do when they first release? Though I feel Pack hunting needs to be nerfed and there should be an option for combat in sandbox. Sauropods would greatly benefit from being able to defend themselves.
    The roster is great and the creatures look much better than the first game. Sure there are some questionable designs like the elasmosaurus but thats alright because attenborosaurus looks amazing.

    Really the biggest problem I have with the game right now is that the marine roster has three different plesiosaurs and I would have preferred if it started off with more variety.
    I have some species in mind that i would like to see added in dlc, and I would also like to hear what other people want to be included

    "Biztos mint a halál! Sóhaj, Szobaasszony, Fárosz.. 2, 9, 11. " Ha a kacsa nem tud úszni, nem a víz a hülye "

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