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  • Hi!King


    válasz julius666 #94637 üzenetére

    Amúgy kicsit félrevezetőnek találom ezt a címet. Az inflációt nem a magas foglalkoztatottság, hanem az alacsony munkanélküliség gerjeszti. Ha nő a foglalkoztatottság és a munkanélküliség is, az azt jelenti, hogy inaktívak kerültek vissza a munkaerőpiacra, miközben egy kicsivel nehezebb munkát találni, ezért kicsivel kevésbé feszes a munkaerőpiac, a munkaerőpiaci kínálat egy kicsit erősödött a kínálathoz képest.

  • travix

    aktív tag

    válasz julius666 #94637 üzenetére

    Már az előző inflációs adat után is borítékolható volt, hogy 0,5%-ot fog emelni a következő meetingen JPow, most meg már szinte biztos, ezért is esik már egy ideje a tőzsde. Valahogy erre sikerült ráéreznem és a februári vásárlást még nem ejtettem meg.

    Akit érdekel a tőzsde, fontosabb dátumok redditről kimásolva (szal nem feltétlen pontos):

    Quick definitions:

    FOMC: The Federal Open Market Committee. The main monetary policy-making body of the Federal Reserve System, responsible for setting interest rates and determining the direction of monetary policy in the United States.

    Interest rate decision: The Federal Reserve interest rate decision refers to the annual target range for the federal funds rate set by the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), which affects the cost of borrowing money in the U.S. economy.

    JOLTS The Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey (JOLTS) program produces data on job openings, hires, and separations.

    CPI: The Consumer Price Index. A measure of the average change over time in the prices paid by consumers for a basket of goods and services.

    GDP Estimate: Gross Domestic Product estimate. The monetary value of all goods and services produced within a country's borders in a given time period, often used as a measure of a country's economic output and growth.

    The Beige Book: A report compiled by the Federal Reserve that provides anecdotal information on current economic conditions across the 12 Federal Reserve Districts.

    Jobs numbers: The statistics on the number of people employed and unemployed in a specific time period, usually released by a government agency such as the Bureau of Labor Statistics, used to gauge the health of a country's labor market.

    PCE inflation rate: The Trimmed Mean PCE inflation rate is an alternative measure of core inflation in the price index for personal consumption expenditures (PCE). It is calculated by staff at the Dallas Fed, using data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA).

    Jan 31-Feb 1 FOMC meeting
    Feb 1 Interest rate decision 11:00am pacific/2:00pm eastern
    Feb 1 JOLTS report for December 7:00am pacific/10:00am eastern
    Feb 3 January job numbers 5:30am pacific/8:30am eastern
    Feb 4 Jerome Powell’s Birthday
    Feb 14 January CPI 5:30am pacific/8:30am eastern
    Feb 22 FOMC Minutes of January 31-February 1 meeting 11:00am pacific/2:00pm eastern
    Feb 23 Q4 GDP second estimate 5:30am pacific/8:30am eastern
    Feb 24 PCE inflation rate 5:30am pacific/8:30am eastern
    Mar 7 Beige Book release
    Mar 8 JOLTS report for January 7:00am pacific/10:00am eastern
    Mar 10 February job numbers 5:30am pacific/8:30am eastern
    Mar 14 February CPI 5:30am pacific/8:30am eastern
    Mar 21-22 FOMC meeting
    Mar 22 Interest rate decision 11:00am pacific/2:00pm eastern
    Mar 30 Q4 GDP final 5:30am pacific/8:30am eastern
    Mar 31 PCE inflation rate 5:30am pacific/8:30am eastern
    Apr 4 JOLTS report for February 7:00am pacific/10:00am eastern
    Apr 7 March job numbers 5:30am pacific/8:30am eastern
    Apr 12 March CPI 5:30am pacific/8:30am eastern
    Apr 18 Tax day
    Apr 18 Beige Book release
    Apr 20 4/20
    Apr 27 Q1 GDP first estimate 5:30am pacific/8:30am eastern
    Apr 28 PCE inflation rate 5:30am pacific/8:30am eastern
    May 2 JOLTS report for March 7:00am pacific/10:00am eastern
    May 2-3 FOMC meeting
    May 3 Interest rate decision 11:00am pacific/2:00pm eastern
    May 5 April job numbers 5:30am pacific/8:30am eastern
    May 10 April CPI 5:30am pacific/8:30am eastern
    May 25 Q1 GDP second estimate 5:30am pacific/8:30am eastern
    May 26 PCE inflation rate 5:30am pacific/8:30am eastern
    May 30 Beige Book release
    May 31 JOLTS report for April 7:00am pacific/10:00am eastern
    Jun 2 May job numbers 5:30am pacific/8:30am eastern
    Jun 13 May CPI 5:30am pacific/8:30am eastern
    Jun 13-14 FOMC meeting
    Jun 14 Interest rate decision 11:00am pacific/2:00pm eastern
    Jun 19 My birthday
    Jun 29 Q1 GDP final 5:30am pacific/8:30am eastern
    Jun 30 PCE inflation rate 5:30am pacific/8:30am eastern
    Jul 6 JOLTS report for May 7:00am pacific/10:00am eastern
    Jul 11 Beige Book release
    Jul 12 June CPI 5:30am pacific/8:30am eastern
    Jul 25-26 FOMC meeting
    Jul 26 Interest rate decision 11:00am pacific/2:00pm eastern
    Jul 27 Q2 GDP first estimate 5:30am pacific/8:30am eastern
    Jul 28 PCE inflation rate 5:30am pacific/8:30am eastern
    Aug 1 JOLTS report for June 7:00am pacific/10:00am eastern
    Aug 4 July job numbers 5:30am pacific/8:30am eastern
    Aug 10 July CPI 5:30am pacific/8:30am eastern
    Aug 29 JOLTS report for July 7:00am pacific/10:00am eastern
    Aug 30 Q2 GDP second estimate 5:30am pacific/8:30am eastern
    Aug 31 PCE inflation rate 5:30am pacific/8:30am eastern
    Sep 1 August job numbers 5:30am pacific/8:30am eastern
    Sep 5 Beige Book release
    Sep 13 August CPI 5:30am pacific/8:30am eastern
    Sep 19-20 FOMC meeting
    Sep 20 Interest rate decision 11:00am pacific/2:00pm eastern
    Sep 28 Q2 GDP final 5:30am pacific/8:30am eastern
    Sep 29 PCE inflation rate 5:30am pacific/8:30am eastern
    Oct 3 JOLTS report for August 7:00am pacific/10:00am eastern
    Oct 6 September job numbers 5:30am pacific/8:30am eastern
    Oct 12 September CPI 5:30am pacific/8:30am eastern
    Oct 17 Beige Book release
    Oct 26 Q3 GDP first estimate 5:30am pacific/8:30am eastern
    Oct 27 PCE inflation rate 5:30am pacific/8:30am eastern
    Oct 31-Nov 1 FOMC meeting
    Nov 1 Interest rate decision 11:00am pacific/2:00pm eastern
    Nov 1 JOLTS report for September 7:00am pacific/10:00am eastern
    Nov 3 October job numbers 5:30am pacific/8:30am eastern
    Nov 5 Remember, remember…
    Nov 14 October CPI 5:30am pacific/8:30am eastern
    Nov 28 Beige Book release
    Nov 29 Q3 GDP second estimate 5:30am pacific/8:30am eastern
    Nov 30 PCE inflation rate 5:30am pacific/8:30am eastern
    Dec 5 JOLTS report for October 7:00am pacific/10:00am eastern
    Dec 8 November job numbers 5:30am pacific/8:30am eastern
    Dec 12 November CPI 5:30am pacific/8:30am eastern
    Dec 12-13 FOMC meeting
    Dec 13 Interest rate decision 11:00am pacific/2:00pm eastern
    Dec 21 Q3 GDP final 5:30am pacific/8:30am eastern
    Dec 22 PCE inflation rate 5:30am pacific/8:30am eastern
    Sources: BLS, BEA, FRED St Louis fed, Investopedia

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