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  • jaffa 2843


    bst egér update:
    "Can pre-order it really soon, I think today or tomorrow I will be getting a final sample which I can take photos of, and confirm it for the beta test. Also make a video of it which people have been waiting for. I wanted to have those things for the website/pre-orders, so everyone knows what they are ordering (and I don't have to keep re-doing things).

    I don't think theres any need for more development on the mouse/sensor, as far as the performance/lod etc is concerned. I will probably work on a new firmware/sensor/mcu afterwards, if people wanted more features and options. But it makes sense to release it now, since it has the most important things people wanted."

    Google translate verzió (fáradt, lusta és túlságosan ittas vagyok, hogy lefordítsam hochmagyarra :B )

    forrás: ESR

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Új hozzászólás Aktív témák