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  • cskamacska


    válasz Drenadar #1949 üzenetére

    Szerintem nem érdemes még költeni a játékpénzt, nem tudjuk mire lesz jó. Hangár egyébként is csak addig érdekel, míg fel nem teszem a hangár modot az összes gépet egyszerre megcsodálni. :D

    Dicső Idrisek jőnek:

    "Your request (#23292) has been updated. Reply to this email or click the link below:

    Ben (Cloud Imperium Games)

    Oct 29 15:32 (CDT)

    Hi, we are planning a livestream event and all ships that were previously limited will be put on sale, this includes the Idris and Scythe. But don't worry, there will be plenty of notice."

    És még nagyobb anyázások:
    "Are you fucking kidding me? They cant do that shit to me they promised only 500 scythes do you have any idea how much I paid for that shit because CIG repeatedly said they would NOT go back on sale? Cash grabbing sons of fucking bitches. I had to pay 600$ for my scythe.

    The goddamn game is millions past funded and then they go and break the final promise to the original backers. This makes me sick." ;]

    Az én szemem előtt meg továbbra is a pay2notsuck réme lebeg :(

    "I see this only possibly turning out in two ways, none of which would be very beneficial for the game or its backers:

    1) It turns out to not be a “very big deal” and people could get things like ships, weapons and other equipment in game without much problem, at which point most people that put down more than $100 for their special ships will likely not be able to rationalize the amount they spent and most of the ship-monetization options would be near to worthless and nobody would use them (which is kind of antithetical to the whole point of monetization and making money that way in the first place).
    There was already recent discontent over apparently more upcoming “Sales” of what they dubbed as “limited” ships:
    Upon which they apparently also changed the forum rules.

    2) The much more likely option that it is a horribly long and boring grind of the easiest way to make credits for those people who “have 40 hours a week to spend gaming” as Roberts put it, over multiple months to a year to offset the cost of spending ~$1250 in time, in which case the monetization-scheme will still work and the people who bought their ships for thousands of dollars will grin triumphantly as they enjoy the benefits of paying for virtual advantages to wash over the plebes and this legitimizes all the Pay2Win accusations against the game.

    I’m using a thing called common sense to call the second option based on what makes sense and what has been said so far, including what would work best for them in their set goal and intent to fleece people for the most money possible and generally having had the (dis)pleasure of being exposed to a lot of games (and MMOs) with similar monetization models and how they work.

    It immediately reminds me of this very important video on Pay2Win Chinese browser games from a developer standpoint, which caused nothing but disgust though:"

    Azért az Aurora - Constellation arány kétségbeejtő

    Tök egyértelmű, hogy az átlag Star Citizen backer sokkal többet költ a játékra, mint a megjelenés előtt finanszírozók eddig bármikor. És ezzel együtt már jó előre lehet venni játékpénzt, egyes cumók be is vannak már árazva, még bármiféle balanszírozás előtt készpénzért megvehetők, így a játék gazdaságának megalkotását már jó előre gúsba kötik. Ha ez előre(jó drágán) kapható cuccok keveset fognak érni, akkor a backerek lassú flémen fogják megégetni Roberts-t, ha pedig egy random fegyverért is két hetet kell gürcölni a sóbányában akkor meg már akkor meghalt az MMO rész, mielőtt elindult.

    "Para mis amigos todo, para mis enemigos la ley"

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