Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • laspring


    Olyan mintha nem működne a NFS aktiváló Kendek varázs-script.
    A MiBox-on a KODI nem tudja browse-olni a routeren megosztott mobilvinyót.
    Futtattam a scriptet ismét és ilyeneket írt:
    NFS server setup script for Synology routers v1.6 by Kendek
     1 - Setup NFSv4.1 share for the currently mounted external devices
     2 - Remove all modifications from the router internal filesystem
     0 - Quit (default)
    Select an option [0-2]: 1
    killall: nfsd: no process killed
    killall: svcgssd: no process killed
    umount: can't umount /proc/fs/nfsd: Invalid argument
    Starting NFS server...
    mount: mounting none on /proc/fs/nfsd failed: No such device
    nfsd: Unable to access /proc/fs/nfsd errno 2 (No such file or directory).
    Please try, as root, 'mount -t nfsd nfsd /proc/fs/nfsd' and then restart nfsd to correct the problem
    nfsd: Can not open file [/proc/fs/nfsd/udppacketsize]
    nfsd: SYNONFSSETUDPPacketSize fail
    nfsd: Can not open file [/proc/fs/nfsd/unix_privilege_enable]
    nfsd: SYNONFSSETUnixEnable fail
     Okay, all done!
     Example mount command(s):
      mount.nfs -o vers=4,minorversion=1 /mnt

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák