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  • LetoAtreides

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    válasz LetoAtreides #32915 üzenetére

    Egyik fórumon olvastam a következőket:

    I am running WR1043ND with USB HDD Attach. I can hit 10MB/s on LAN and 6-7MB on Wifi which is pretty good. I mounted the HDD with no barriers and journal formatted with ext3. I also increase the buffer memory in the sysctl and set the wifi to 40MHZ no scan ,ar, compression, ff, bursting on. Fantastic Performance.

    Az lenne a kérdésem, hogy a következő dolgokat hogyan tudom beállítani:
    - Increase the buffer memory in the sysctl.
    - WiFi ar, compression, ff, bursting on.

    Továbbá ilyeneket is olvastam:

    I have Tplink 842ND running r33132 and on local usb stick with fat32 i get 20mb/s write speed using dd. Thats not even faster on my pc. But over smbd (3.6.5-2) i get only 4mb/s read/write speed. Maybe the memory is just too small? Top values: CPU: ~10% usr ~70% sys 0% nic ~20% idle. With pure-ftpd i get around 10mb/s.

    Az "using dd" alatt mit értett a hozzászóló? DD-WRT-re gondolt? Egyébként ezeket innen szedtem: https://forum.openwrt.org/viewtopic.php?id=35902

    [ Szerkesztve ]

    I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me.

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