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  • Peace


    Nagy nehezen találtam egy szem optimista hozzászólást a teljes őrület közepette:

    "I doubt you guys are playing anything close to the actual internal build. As they said previously when they stopped patching the EA alpha, making steam builds take time, time they rather focus on getting the game ready for release.

    Then the delay to June 5 came and they told you that you'd get a beta patch atleast. They never said that beta patch would equal their internal build. They are still two seperate entities afaik, just as they said prior to the EA patch stop.

    So what you are playing is just what they had time to cook up for a steam beta build without bug testing it much further due to focus being on the actual release. Obviously alot of content wont be in the beta. Formerly they had zero plans to include any story in the early access.

    So dont stress too much and think this is the final product."

    [ Szerkesztve ]

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