Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • tindisco

    csendes tag

    válasz tindisco #1861 üzenetére


    még mindig nem boldogulok a 841n openwrt frissítés utáni "károkkal".


    Bemásolom ide, amit telnettel letudtam kérdezni, kérek szépen valakit, hogy ez alapján ha tud segítsen, hogy újra működjön a routerem, köszönöm

    === IMPORTANT ============================
    Use 'passwd' to set your login password
    this will disable telnet and enable SSH

    BusyBox v1.19.4 (2013-03-14 11:28:31 UTC) built-in shell (ash)
    Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.

    _______ ________ __
    | |.-----.-----.-----.| | | |.----.| |_
    | - || _ | -__| || | | || _|| _|
    |_______|| __|_____|__|__||________||__| |____|
    |__| W I R E L E S S F R E E D O M
    ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT (12.09, r36088)
    * 1/4 oz Vodka Pour all ingredients into mixing
    * 1/4 oz Gin tin with ice, strain into glass.
    * 1/4 oz Amaretto
    * 1/4 oz Triple sec
    * 1/4 oz Peach schnapps
    * 1/4 oz Sour mix
    * 1 splash Cranberry juice
    root@(none):/# df -h
    Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
    rootfs 2.9M 2.9M 0 100% /
    /dev/root 2.9M 2.9M 0 100% /
    tmpfs 14.3M 16.0K 14.3M 0% /tmp
    tmpfs 512.0K 0 512.0K 0% /dev

    root@(none):/# ls
    bin mnt root tmp
    dev overlay sbin usr
    etc proc sys var
    lib rom sysupgrade.tgz www

    root@(none):/# cd etc
    root@(none):/etc# ls
    TZ hotplug2-common.rules preinit
    banner hotplug2-init.rules profile
    config hotplug2.rules protocols
    crontabs init.d rc.common
    defconfig inittab rc.d
    diag.sh modules-boot.d rc.local
    dnsmasq.conf modules.d resolv.conf
    dropbear mtab services
    firewall.user nixio shadow
    fstab openwrt_release shells
    functions.sh openwrt_version sysctl.conf
    group opkg.conf sysupgrade.conf
    hosts passwd uci-defaults
    hotplug.d ppp

    root@(none):/etc# cd init.d
    root@(none):/etc/init.d# ls
    boot dropbear network ubus
    cron firewall rcS uhttpd
    defconfig led sysctl umount
    dnsmasq luci_dhcp_migrate sysntpd usb
    done luci_fixtime telnet watchdog
    root@(none):/etc/init.d# cd ..
    root@(none):/etc# cd ..

    root@(none):/# passwd
    Changing password for root
    New password:
    Retype password:
    passwd: can't create '/etc/shadow+': No space left on device
    passwd: can't update password file /etc/shadow

    root@(none):/# cd bin
    root@(none):/bin# ls
    ash dd grep ls nice rmdir ubus
    busybox df gunzip mkdir opkg sed umount
    cat dmesg gzip mknod pidof sh uname
    chgrp echo ipcalc.sh mktemp ping sleep vi
    chmod egrep kill mount ping6 sync zcat
    chown false ln mv ps tar
    cp fgrep lock netmsg pwd touch
    date fsync login.sh netstat rm true
    root@(none):/bin# cd ..
    root@(none):/# cd dev
    root@(none):/dev# ls
    console mtd1ro mtdblock0 ptmx ttyS10 ttyS3 urandom
    full mtd2 mtdblock1 pts ttyS11 ttyS4 zero
    kmsg mtd2ro mtdblock2 random ttyS12 ttyS5
    mem mtd3 mtdblock3 shm ttyS13 ttyS6
    mtd0 mtd3ro mtdblock4 tty ttyS14 ttyS7
    mtd0ro mtd4 null ttyS0 ttyS15 ttyS8
    mtd1 mtd4ro port ttyS1 ttyS2 ttyS9

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák