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  • Dinter


    válasz Dinter #38213 üzenetére

    Hello, as a heads up I'm not here to give you drama, burn bridges or write 17 pages about why I left the team (I don't have enough memes for that). I will just tell you what I feel.
    Last week I told the team that I wanted to leave, we decided to play together this week, but they will be playing with someone else for the rest of the split. There were a lot of different reasons for the decision, but most important to me was the way our communication works and that not everyone is on the same page when it comes to work ethic. We did not have a designated shotcaller and our voice comms could get really messy. It seemed like it's too hard to fix some of our problems without proper communication.
    I have always been a very competitive player and train 12-14 hours a day because I strive to be the best. I think I have grown a lot as a player and shotcaller and even became known for playing off-meta champs however I don't feel like I can show my fans what I'm capable of in UOL. Highlight of my career so far is getting 2nd place in Spring Split and am very thankful for my time with these amazing people with which I created a lot of great memories and had great times with.
    I will continue to put in the same effort I have always put in because I still want to play in the LCS and might even consider role swapping because I've played many different roles in the competitive scene before.
    The past 10 months with UOL have been amazing, I love the guys and have many great memories. We went from being challenger team to taking second in our first split and I will never forget this journey.

    Mondjuk amit elmond meg is látszik az UOL-on. Nincs egy tapasztalt játékos, aki felvállalná a felelősséget és hozná a callokat. Gondolom kikis akart ebbe a szerepbe lépni. Illetve arra gondolat, hogy vannak szerinte olyanok akik nem gyakorolnak eleget?

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