Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

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    válasz -secret- #31 üzenetére

    Akkor csak hogy ne tűnjek hülyének bemásolom:


    1. Valve Corporation ("Valve", "We", "Us" or "Our") has developed and produced prototypes of entertainment system hardware and software, including a set-top box running custom software and a game controller (collectively: "Beta Products"). These Beta Products are currently being prepared for a limited beta testing program ("Beta Program") involving select end users of Our online service known as Steam ("Steam").

    2. The terms of the existing Steam Subscriber Agreement (http://store.steampowered.com/subscriber_agreement/) ("SSA") between You and Valve (or a Valve affiliate) apply to all aspects of the Beta Program, supplemented by the terms of this Agreement. In particular, the limitations of liabilities and disclaimer of warranties as presented in section 7 of the SSA shall extend to both the hardware and software Beta Products.

    3. If You are selected as a participant in the Beta Program, Valve will make the Beta Products available to You as part of the Beta Program. The Beta Products will remain the property of Valve, and We may require You to return the Beta Products to Us upon request at Our expense (for example, without limitation, if such return is required to comply with regulatory restrictions, or if we feel it would be useful for us to examine the Beta Products to confirm or reproduce defect or errors that You identify). For this reason, the Beta Products are not for resale.

    4. You are responsible for any taxes or other dues that You may incur by participating in the Beta Program and/or receiving the Beta Products from Us.

    Egy valamit olvastam el, amiért bocs, és amiben igazatok volt, hogy az Ő költségükre, viszont minden ezzel járó adó és járulék téged terhel.

    [ Szerkesztve ]

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák