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    válasz kekeeci #1606 üzenetére

    Itt van ne, a kurzornál (lent: Something bloodsucker...):

    Csak kell egy csomót okoskodni a kérdésekkel és akkor adja be a hosszú feladatlistát. Sajnos a fordítás nagyon rossz. Rosszabb, mint a Soupban, ezért nem is érdemes követni a sok hasalást.

    GeryD: Igen, itt még több az oroszangol benne, mint a Soupban. Ott bár foltozzák a szövegeket, itt viszont ahogy a Google hagyta - isten nyugosztalja :K


    Na, de van egy jó hír is TB-től:

    Finally have it so that you cannot use the decoder in sarc until after you have used the wish granter. This includes stopping the monolith that spawn to protect the secret room.

    I still need to prevent the player from advancing past radar until the scorcher is shut down but this will take too much to accomplish before release as there are several ways to bypass it.

    The bag in npp1 will now wait to spawn after you have done the wish granter and return, the dialogs will not be present for bag and gold until granter done in new 110005 starts.

    Patch 5 will go out tomorrow and then I will list the things to be done for release (110006) and then I will post a list of tasks that have yet to be done and try to prioritize them with input from my alpha testers.

    THANKS as always for all the submissions and input, all new members that have joined during the alpha phase will be included in the BETA Squad roster on release.

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Új hozzászólás Aktív témák