Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • neooen

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    Volt már egy két vicces tapasztalatom online supporttal, de a mai vitte a pálmát. Az angolom trágya, de szerintem érthető voltam, de majd rajtatok lemérem, hogy az voltam-e :). Valószínűleg igen, mert a következő supportos 1 perc alatt tudott segíteni. A jobb átláthatóság miatt tettem "entereket" a szövegbe, nem töröltem semmit. Na de nézzük, Esriel hogy próbált meg segíteni rajtam:

    Kovács: hi
    Esriel E: Thank you for contacting Microsoft Accounts and Billing Support!
    Kovács: Hi, I want to share a folder with everyone with OneDrive, but I don't want them to see my account name. Is this possible?
    Esriel E: Hi, Kovacs, I understand that you need help on your OneDrive to share folder with everyone ,am I correct?
    Kovács: not really :)
    Kovács: I can share a folder
    Kovács: but I want to share it anonymously
    Kovács: here is the folder I shared https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=3da7ce907fc17586&id=3DA7CE907FC17586%21292 , but as you can see my name (xxxxx yyyyyy) is visible
    Esriel E: I see, may I know , did you already purchased the Onedrive?
    Kovács: purchased?
    Kovács: I'm using it for free :)
    Kovács: can you answer me faster please? (3 perc telt el a retardált válaszai között )

    Esriel E: I see, now I can help you on your concern by giving you an option.
    Kovács: great, and what is that :) ?
    Esriel E: (3 perc után) Now I will give you the link for us to better assist you, please wait for a moment.
    Kovács: ohh, ok
    Esriel E: (itt már 5 perc után) Please click this link (onedrive.com)
    Esriel E: Please click the link that I provide above.
    Esriel E: Is there anything else that I can help you with?

    Kovács: OneDrive opens...
    Kovács: If I click the link, onedrive opens, this is not help on me
    Esriel E: Yes.
    Kovács: and what should I do on onedrive.com ?!
    Esriel E: Yes you can log-in there.
    Kovács: and after that?
    Esriel E: After you sign in select"Get more storage"

    Kovács: WHY???

    Esriel E: Okay, I will give you a link to"Request a call"option, because there's some information that not allow to provide here in the chat room, please wait for a moment.

    Kovács: I really dont understand you, what are you talking about. Can you help on this question or not?! "I want to share a folder with everyone via OneDrive, but I don't want them to see my account name. Is this possible?"

    Esriel E: Please click this link (onedrive.com)
    Esriel E: Please click the link that I provide above.

    Kovács: sorry dude, but you are the worst online support I have ever met :))

    Esriel E: I apologize for the inconvenience.
    Esriel E: Right now we have system upgrading that's why we have some delay.
    Esriel E: Thank you for understanding.

    Kovács: connect me to another operator or something
    Esriel E: Yes, click the link that I provide above.
    Kovács: You have taken 30 minutes from my life, not nice...
    Esriel E: I see, I apologize for the inconvenience.
    Esriel E: Is there anything else that I can help you with?

    [ Szerkesztve ]

    Semleges értékelés oka: Az eladott vidokártyán a HDMI bemenet miniHDMI volt, amit én soha nem használtam és fel sem tűnt, hogy az nem a "hagyományos". Ezt nem jeleztem, ami a vevőnek kellemetlenséget okozott.

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák