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    válasz kw3v865 #6996 üzenetére

    The CDC analyzed the cases of about 2,500 patients in the United States whose ages were known. Of the 508 patients known to have been hospitalized, 20% were notably younger — between ages 20 and 44, while 18% were between ages 45 and 54, the report says. The highest percentage of hospitalized patients was at 26% between ages 65 and 84. [link]


    Mindekozben Iranban is "The health ministry says around 15 percent of those who have died were under the age of 40." [link]

    Iranban persze nem jo a helyzet, de olyan szempontbol jo indukacios szam, hogy mi tortenik, ha nincs semmilyen vedekezes es nem segit az egeszsegugy. termeszetesen itt megint bejon a kepbe az, hogy Iran kapcsan nem biztos, hogy hasonloan pontosak a szamszeru adatok, mint Lombardia eseten.

    meg vannak mas faktorok is, mondjuk dohanyzas vagy eleve rossz fizikai kondicio valoszinuleg megint nem segit.

    [ Szerkesztve ]

    Don't dream it, be it. // Lagom amount.

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