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  • moonguru


    válasz #68216320 #1042 üzenetére

    Köszi elmentettem (persze módosítanom kell, mert neked 5890-esed van).


    Cgminer GPUreadme.txt:


    Intensity correlates with the size of work being submitted at any one time to
    a GPU. The higher the number the larger the size of work. Generally speaking
    finding an optimal value rather than the highest value is the correct approach
    as hash rate rises up to a point with higher intensities but above that, the
    device may be very slow to return responses, or produce errors.

    NOTE: Running BTC intensities above 9 with current hardware is likely to only
    diminish return performance even if the hash rate might appear better. A good
    starting baseline intensity to try on dedicated miners is 9. 11 is the upper
    limit for intensity while BTC mining, if the GPU_USE_SYNC_OBJECTS variable
    is set (see FAQ). The upper limit for sha256 mining is 14 and 20 for scrypt.

    Tehát: nem érdemes a hash emelése érdekében túlságosan felemelni az Intensity értéket (és persze a tuningot se kell maximumra vinni)

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