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    válasz dugo_ #42450 üzenetére

    Köszi, még nyomozom, bár ez a tech ügy nekem lassan megy.

    itt pár hátrányát láttam az mlc-nek:


    "Flash memories are available with two different kinds of memory density: SLC (Single-Level Cell) and MLC (Multiple-Level Cell). On SLC chips each storage circuit inside the chip stores only one bit of information, while on MLC chips each circuit stores more than one bit of information. Because of this, MLC chips are cheaper than SLC chips, since one MLC chip can hold more information than one SLC chip. Therefore cheaper SSD units use MLC chips, while more expensive units use SLC devices.

    Because data bits inside the chip are closer to each other, MLC chips provide a higher error rate. It is important to note that these errors are not perceived by the user: the controller chip has an error-correction mechanism that detects such errors and automatically fixes them. However, locating and fixing errors takes time, reflecting in a lower performance. In plain English: MLC chips are slower than SLC chips.

    Another disadvantage of MLC chips is that they have a shorter life-span compared to SLC chips (flash memories have a finite number of times you can write/erase data to them). Usually SLC chips allow up to 100,000 write/erase cycles before getting unreliable, while MLC chips have a limit of around 10,000 write/erase cycles. Some cheaper chips have lower limits."

    Kifutó, akkor miért drágább mint az a400, annyival jobbbbbb???? Ej, majd mögnézem közelebbről is.

    O igen, így 2 év DedoHw kihagyás után Neked köszönhetően ráeszméltem ismét: vissza kell pörgessem magam megboldogult tinikorom kapacitására, a többségében illiterátus Y(ou tube) generációs egyedek human-readable form -kódfejtő készségéhez.
    Köszönöm. Igyexem újabb éveket kihagyni, mán csak a saját érdökömbön is. :)))

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