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  • Giovan!


    válasz Aryon87 #161 üzenetére

    Mondjuk ez a beszélgetésfigyelés érdekes, én ezt nem tapasztaltam, de én mondjuk iPhone-t használok azon nincs Google Assistant, lehet ez az oka.

    Hozzá kell tenni, van hivatalos magyarázatuk, de ezt nyílván erős fenntartásokkal kell kezelni:

    However, in addition to listening when you give a command, sometimes your device will experience what Google calls a "false accept," which means that your conversation is recorded even though you're not directly engaging with Google Assistant, and haven't given the wake command.

    That means it's possible for Google's contractors to listen to audio recorded when you're talking to your spouse or on the phone, even when you're not interacting with a Google device.
    As for your personal information captured, Google says that just 0.2 percent of all audio snippets end up being listened to by the company's language reviewers. And the company does allow you to delete those snippets manually, or automatically after a period of time.

    Nos ok, talán kicsit mégis kémkednek, de ők legalább csak a profitért teszik ezt, ez nálam enyhítő körülmény :DDD

    [ Szerkesztve ]

    Speak softly and carry a big stick, you will go far.

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