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  • Mr K

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    válasz Parci #64159 üzenetére

    Sőt, a helyzet még ennél is rosszabb: az sem garancia semmire, ha egy cikk megjelenik egy lektorált folyóiratban. Az csak jelzés arra, hogy neki lehet állni megerősíteni vagy cáfolni. Pont volt erről egy cikk tegnap:

    The best of times, the worst of times... That’s science in the age of Covid

    "This also means that the Covid-19 news and social media cycle is fuelled by a mix of scientific facts, inaccuracies and misunderstandings, as well as genuine scientific observations that are often largely irrelevant outside a wider body of evidence. A common misunderstanding is that “the science” is a set of absolute, immutable, indisputable and verifiable facts. Rather, science is a messy process eventually converging towards the truth in a process of trial and error."

    Hoz példákat is, az ivermectint, meg a súlyos omicron-T. Mintha utóbbi itt is lett volna, szóval ezt is beidézem:
    "More recently, a preprint reported that current Omicron lineages in circulation (BA.1.12, BA.4 and BA.5) may have reverted to a level of virulence comparable to the previous Delta variant, mostly on the basis of experimental infections in hamsters. Those early results caused considerable alarm but could not be replicated in other hamster experiments. They were also at variance with the massive body of real-world evidence from many countries showing no increase in hospitalisation or death rates for infections caused by current strains in circulation."

    Amúgy elég olvasmányos az egész cikk, érdemes átfutni, ha valaki szeretné helyén kezelni a sajtóban megjelenő beszámolókat.

    ''The third planet is incapable of supporting life. Our scientists have said there's far too much oxygen in their atmosphere.''

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