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  • paljoc


    válasz lagoon79 #18660 üzenetére

    Ádám, kérdezted ma a bojlert a masinában, nézd meg amit SID linkelt róla, ott van minden, ha jól értem van egy hőcserélős gőz bojler ami egy literes/900W/, van a bojler a kávéfőzéshez ami 4 dl-es/700W/, ez PID vezérelt fűtéssel és a fej is aktív fűtéssel rendelkezik amit szintén PID vezérel!!! Plusz a főző bojler előmelegített vizet kap és nem a víztartály hideg vize megy bele. De itt van kicopyztam belőle a lényeget:

    "The Breville Dual Boiler espresso machine is what the name implies - an espresso machine with two boilers. But it is much more than that. The primary brewing boiler is a 400ml stainless steel boiler (with a 700W element) sitting above the machine's grouphead. The boiler isn't directly connected to the grouphead to provide grouphead heat - in this machine, the grouphead has its own heating system, as we'll get to in a moment.

    The brew boiler has an embedded element and is fed water not from the reservoir, but from a heat exchanger situated in the machine's other boiler - a 1litre heat exchanger boiler (with a 900W element) serving the steam wand (as well as preheating the water for the brewing boiler. This 1litre boiler is vertically stacked towards the back-right of the machine and is also stainless steel. There is no insulating wrapping around either boilers, but in operation, the machines never seem to get excessively hot, though the cuptray above does get nice and toasty.

    Can you say GS/3? I can, because the GS/3 uses the same design of HX feeding a brew boiler (although its boilers are horizontal). The Kees van der Westen Speedster espresso machine does the same thing, as do several other top of the line commercial espresso machines. And it is a good system, resulting in very stable temperature controls, even if you don't use PID controllers."

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