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  • Oliverda


    ”Bulldozer” 20 Questions, Round Four

    "Well, as we have said before, we are not revealing some things until launch (clock speeds, cache sizes, pricing, benchmarks or the launch date) but I can say that from a clock speed perspective the base clocks speeds will be very competitive in our opinion."

    Meglesz az a 4GHz+ alapórajel úgy érzem.

    "As you are aware, when we initially designed “Bulldozer,” we were working with a more modular processor design. The original “Bulldozer” design was 45nm. But as development progressed, it became clear that the 45nm design that we had been working on was not going to be as competitive as we would have liked."

    Pedig ugye 45nm-en lassan már meglesz a 3,3GHz haz maggal 125W TDP mellett... Ezek alapján elég ütősnek kell lennie a 32nm-nek.

    [ Szerkesztve ]

    "Minden negyedik-ötödik magyar funkcionális analfabéta – derült ki a nemzetközi felmérésekből."

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