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    válasz Gery D. #3153 üzenetére

    Ahogy látom, ráálltak a szövegekre. Ebben inkább szövegjavításokat emlegetnek, és a Steamen is ilyesmikről írnak. Ott arról panaszkodnak, hogy az eredeti orosz szöveg is katasztrofális és alig kivehető helyenként, főleg az előzmények kapcsán. Még csak most próbálnak közös nevezőre kerülni azon a részen. Van ott egy rész, amit ilyennek terveznek, talán a magyart is utána kell alakítani, nem tudom, de ezt biztos te is láttad.

    As far as I know, Strelok, Ghost and Fang were escorting some Ecologists to the AW. they were going there to work on a new transmitter that would lower or destroy the Psi emissions coming from Radar (AKA Red Forest).

    As they approached with some other guys, they noticed that a team of mercs were on the hill.
    Without notice, they opened fire. And Ghost was shot in the head.
    Fortunately he was wearing a helmet and survived, but he was injured. Just as this was happening a controller turned up and killed all the ecologists.

    Strelok and Fang managed to get Ghost into a car, and they quickly drove to Pripyat.
    After they set up camp to heal Ghost, the same controller turned up and they were forced to scatter and leave Ghost for dead.

    Strelok was also injured and found himself in the Doctors apartment a few days later. When he was well enough, he went to the Arena for a few days.

    The second passage may have been written by Ghost himself.
    It describes how he had concussion, and that some strange Stalker gave him some food a vodka. It also explains that he needed to go somewhere, and that he left his PDA and Dairy on a post. I guess this is the Post in the AW where Ghosts' grave is.
    the truth is that this is not his grave. He dug it himself. and left his PDA there for Strelok to find later.
    The "PLACE" he mentions is the hideout.

    Does this all sound true and accurate to everyone? It took me weeks to work all this out from broken Russian!

    Whats more, is another passage made by someone who found the dead bandits' PDA. He claims he found it on a wounded Stalker. (THAT ACTUALLY SOUNDS LIKE GHOST) - But it may not have been.

    I need to open this part of the translation up to the community to make sure I got it right.
    Many of the original Russian does not have names, so It's very hard to work out who is writing who to what! - or what to who!

    Használhatod a kézi frissítést, nem kötelező az auto updater, csak kényelmesebb a játékosnak.

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