Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • ztsoft


    Küldöm az értékeket én is.

    Néztem én is a box-on a szinteket, a 20 csatornából, minőség: 61 - 100%, erősség: 41 - 76%.
    "EuroDOCSIS" letöltés jel/zaj arány: 39 mdbs, feltöltés: 43 dBmv,
    "QAM-csatorna" BIT hiba arány: 64, jelerősség: 70%, FEC hibaszámítás: 0,74 error/s, jel/zaj arány: 39 mdB.


    1 5 Locked 33200000 64QAM 5120000 ATDMA 45.25 dBmV
    2 6 Locked 40000000 64QAM 5120000 ATDMA 45.00 dBmV
    3 7 Locked 46600000 64QAM 5120000 ATDMA 43.25 dBmV
    4 8 Locked 53200000 64QAM 5120000 ATDMA 43.75 dBmV

    1 20 Locked 410000000 256 QAM 6952000 36.844 dB 0.86 dBmV
    2 13 Locked 354000000 256 QAM 6952000 36.844 dB 1.37 dBmV
    3 14 Locked 362000000 256 QAM 6952000 36.844 dB 1.35 dBmV
    4 15 Locked 370000000 256 QAM 6952000 37.093 dB 1.53 dBmV
    5 16 Locked 378000000 256 QAM 6952000 37.636 dB 1.44 dBmV
    6 17 Locked 386000000 256 QAM 6952000 37.936 dB 1.60 dBmV
    7 18 Locked 394000000 256 QAM 6952000 37.636 dB 1.40 dBmV
    8 19 Locked 402000000 256 QAM 6952000 37.356 dB 0.83 dBmV

    2015-09-20 10:17:57 [WARNING] TCS Partial Service
    2015-09-20 10:17:57 [WARNING] TCS Partial Service
    2015-09-20 10:17:57 [WARNING] TCS Partial Service
    2015-09-20 10:17:57 [WARNING] TCS Partial Service
    2015-09-20 10:17:57 [WARNING] TCS Partial Service
    2015-09-20 10:17:57 [WARNING] TCS Partial Service
    2015-09-20 10:17:57 [WARNING] TCS Partial Service
    2015-09-20 10:17:57 [WARNING] TCS Partial Service
    2015-09-20 10:17:57 [WARNING] Initializing Channel Timeout Expires - Time the CM can perform initial ranging on all upstream channels in the TCS has expired
    2015-09-20 10:18:27 [CRITICAL] Received Response to Broadcast Maintenance Request, But no Unicast Maintenance opportunities received - T4 time out
    2015-09-20 20:51:24 [MAJOR] DHCP RENEW WARNING - Field invalid in response v4 option
    2015-09-20 20:51:27 [CRITICAL] Received Response to Broadcast Maintenance Request, But no Unicast Maintenance opportunities received - T4 time out
    2015-09-21 08:51:24 [MAJOR] DHCP RENEW WARNING - Field invalid in response v4 option
    2015-09-21 08:51:27 [CRITICAL] Received Response to Broadcast Maintenance Request, But no Unicast Maintenance opportunities received - T4 time out
    2015-09-21 20:51:24 [MAJOR] DHCP RENEW WARNING - Field invalid in response v4 option
    2015-09-21 20:51:27 [CRITICAL] Received Response to Broadcast Maintenance Request, But no Unicast Maintenance opportunities received - T4 time out
    2015-09-22 08:51:24 [MAJOR] DHCP RENEW WARNING - Field invalid in response v4 option
    2015-09-22 08:51:27 [CRITICAL] Received Response to Broadcast Maintenance Request, But no Unicast Maintenance opportunities received - T4 time out
    2015-09-22 08:53:57 [WARNING] MIMO Event MIMO: Stored MIMO=-1 post cfg file MIMO=-1

    Valami kezdődik! :D

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Új hozzászólás Aktív témák