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Találtam a "remegésről" egy nagyon jó leírást. Sajnos ez van nekem is.
Engem nagyon zavar, főleg klón módban a windows, de kiterjesztett képen, vagy bármilyen
más forrásnál is erősen előjön..."A Word On Flicker
Several readers have remarked that they see a flickering effect — think CRT monitors with low refresh rates — on Panasonic NeoPDP plasma TVs. For the record, the only times we have noticed flicker on the Panasonic G10/V10/G20 plasmas were from the corner of our eyes when our gaze was focused on our calibration laptop screen, AND only if the plasmas were displaying bright (mostly white) content. Otherwise, we have not witnessed any flicker in real-life viewing.
That said, because the ability to detect flicker varies from one individual to another, it’s not beyond the realm of possibility that some unfortunate viewers with high flicker sensitivity may see flicker on NeoPDP plasmas all the time (just like how some people can still complain of flicker on a CRT monitor refreshed at 85Hz). If you have been troubled by flicker on the G10/V10 plasmas, then the Panasonic TX-P42G20 won’t be suitable for you either."
Szerintetek ezzel foglalkoznának, vagy elhajtana a szerviz?
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák
Város: Budapest