
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • Vasinger!


    válasz fatal` #7449 üzenetére


    Először ERSTE Visa Netkártyával próbáltam, ami úgy működik, hogy alapból 0 Ft van rajta de beállítottam, hogy legyen rajta 1000 Ft, jobb a biztonság. Viszont amikor fizetni próbáltam nem engedte.

    Ilyen e-mail írt a google:

    Sorry, because you still haven't updated your credit card information, your order from Mobile Software Research Limited has been cancelled. If you'd like to place another order, you must review and update your credit card information in your Google Wallet Account first.

    Meg ilyet:

    Your Google Order #XXXXXXXXXXXX with Mobile Software Research Limited is currently on hold. An attempt to charge your VISA XXXXXXX for HKD19.37 on Nov 24 failed. This may have occurred because of insufficient funds, or as a precautionary measure against fraud. You may see authorizations on your billing statement for a declined charge. Occasionally, the authorization for a charge may be approved, but the actual charge for the order declined. Contact the customer service department for VISA xxx-XXXX for help with resolving this payment issue.

    5let? :F

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák