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  • radi8tor


    válasz bigrob #48766 üzenetére

    Ezek a hibakódok immobiliser hibára utalnak.

    Turn your key on and off 4 times in 6 seconds then press any button on your key you will hear audible sound, e510 will be gone and your car will run properly again , what it is the immobiliser is not picking your key up so it thinks the car is being stolen, then it goes into limp mode.

    Első körben próbáld meg annak a kínai fejegységnek az OBD illesztőjét kihúzni.

    DTC E510 - Missing or invalid security data to PCM

    That code can appear if you remove the KAM fuse and turn on the key just before start engine...

    Pulling the Kam fuse also totally immobilizes your car too! Handy if your going on your jollies and leaving it on your driveway.
    I never do it on my ST unless I have a fault as the ecu has to learn fuel quality etc all over again as far as im aware.
    The result is my ST feels slower for a while! But maybe its just because I drive it like I stole it and when reset it needs to re educate itself

    Szóval még nézz rá a KAM biztosítékra is, ha nem kap feszültséget ezen keresztül az ECU akkor reseteli magát ami okozhatta a gyök2 sebességet.

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    ⭐ Stella

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