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Next in Call of Duty 13...
...Featuring auto-aim, so you can eat doritos while still rekting with noscopes! God mod! I bet you tired of respawning... so why would you die anyway? Noclip & See-through walls! ! You spot a couple of enemy, but the wall blocking your way? In CoD 13 we solved your problem, now you can get through walls easily, like never before! And after all this, you still suck? Don't worry! We removed the melee button, and replaced it with a brand new rage feature! This will automatically give you an unlimited grenade launcher, and tells everyone in the party how you slept with your FOE's mom. Preorder now![ Szerkesztve ]
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- Konzolok karbantartása // Portalanítás - Pasztázás // www.brservice.hu // Posta // Számla
Cég: Marketing Budget
Város: Budapest