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  • nierthen


    válasz -conrad- #15660 üzenetére

    aug 04-10-ig lesz darkmoon

    gathering of the exotic from around the world and beyond, Silas Darkmoon has brought together the Darkmoon Faire as a celebration of the wondrous and mysterious found in Azeroth. While the Faire spends most of its time in parts unknown, they do stop by some major cities each month. The Faire rotates between Terokkar Forest, Elwynn Forest, and Mulgore, in that order. You can consult the Events Calendar for the current schedule.

    When the Faire is on its way, barkers will stop by Shattrath City, Orgrimmar, or Ironforge to announce its arrival. The Faire's workers begin setting up at midnight, three days prior to when the Darkmoon Faire opens. Upon commencing, the faire will begin early in the morning and last for seven days.

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