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[link] - Every Game in Development at Remedy Entertainment
Along with two Alan Wake 2 DLCs currently set for a 2024 release, Remedy has a total of four new games in development right now, all of which hold promise.* Control 2
The only real piece of official news is that as of October 2023, Control 2 is still in the proof-of-concept stage of development, where designs, story details, and gameplay features are all mapped out and tested. According to Tero Virtala, the CEO of Remedy, Control 2 will stay in this stage of development for "the next few quarters," meaning that it could be a while until fans see anything concrete from Control 2.* Max Payne 1 and 2 Remakes
This essentially means that all proof-of-concept and pre-production on the remakes have finished, and now the games are ready to enter full production, which could still take quite a long time as this is often the lengthiest part of video game development.* Projects Condor and Kestrel
Remedy Entertainment's last two projects are both set to be multiplayer titles, which seems to be causing the developer some slight issues. Currently codenamed Condor, this project is said to be a co-op spinoff of Control, allowing up to four players to join together to presumably take down a range of paranatural threats for the Federal Bureau of Control. According to its October 2023 update, Condor is progressing well in development, having wrapped up its proof-of-concept stage and entered full production.
However, it hasn't been quite as smooth for Kestrel. Originally codenamed Vanguard, this Remedy multiplayer game was set to be a free-to-play live-service title published by Tencent, but in November 2023, Remedy announced that Vanguard was shifting its scope and direction, going from a free-to-play live-service title to a "premium game with a strong, co-operative multiplayer component." According to Remedy, this decision was made based on the rapidly changing live-service market and its associated risks, which is probably a smart choice in the long run after the dismal reception of recent games like Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League."//szerk: ezt nem tudom színnel kiemelni:
"after the dismal reception of recent games like Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League"[ Szerkesztve ]
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