
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • metal01


    válasz FoxiestFox #58655 üzenetére

    Néhány fórum hozzászólást találtam. Hát... :) Majd ha lesz ingerenciám kipróbálom, de nekem így is bőven OK az SSD teljesítménye. :)

    "RAPID mode allocates some RAM (up to 25% of total memory, or 1GB, whichever comes first) and uses a portion of CPU power in order to accelerate the drive performance beyond the limits of SATA 3. If you need every ounce of your CPU, or if your CPU isn't super powerful to begin with, or if you're on a laptop (RAPID + increased CPU usage will consume more power, decreasing battery life), enabling RAPID will probably have more drawbacks than benefits."

    "Rapid mode will use up to 1 GB RAM and 1 Core of your CPU. Only first Evo will be powered. Usually most users won't "feel" the difference between two SSDs. So the same with Rapid."

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Új hozzászólás Aktív témák