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  • Sk8erPeter


    válasz Szőkecica #2419 üzenetére

    Példa. >> [link]

    #include <stdio.h>

    int main()
    int bytes_read;
    int nbytes = 100;
    char *my_string;

    puts ("Please enter a line of text.");

    /* These 2 lines are the heart of the program. */
    my_string = (char *) malloc (nbytes + 1);
    bytes_read = getline (&my_string, &nbytes, stdin);

    if (bytes_read == -1)
    puts ("ERROR!");
    puts ("You typed:");
    puts (my_string);

    return 0;

    "The getline function reads an entire line from a stream, up to and including the next newline character. It takes three parameters. The first is a pointer to a block allocated with malloc or calloc. (These two functions allocate computer memory for the program when it is run. See Memory allocation, for more information.) This parameter is of type char **; it will contain the line read by getline when it returns. The second parameter is a pointer to a variable of type size_t; this parameter specifies the size in bytes of the block of memory pointed to by the first parameter. The third parameter is simply the stream from which to read the line."


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