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    válasz Abu85 #42557 üzenetére

    Azt is lehetett hallani, hogy a GP100 valóban olyan lesz, mint a GK210, és majd a GP102 lesz olyan, mint a GK110, tehát, abból lesz a GeForce vonal. Azt várjuk mindenesetre, Tesla-t itt senki nem használ. :)

    Ilyet találtam még:

    Pascal GPUs:
    GP100 - Enthusiast chip, replaces the GM200. Earlier reports pointed to 17 billion transistors, 4096-bit memory bus, up to 16GB HBM2 and twice the performance/Watt than its predecessor.
    GP102 - No details known but the codename suggests it's a high-end GPU.
    GP104 - High-end chip, replaces the GM204
    GP106 - Performance series replacement for the GM206
    GP107 - Mainstream class replacement for the GM107
    GP10B (or typo for GP108?) - Low-cost successor for the GM108 chips

    Volta GPUs:
    GV100 - Future enthusiast chip that will replace the Pascal-based GP100. Earlier rumors pointed to double the performance/Watt, up to 64GB memory, probably made on 10nm process
    Pascal is expected to be released by mid-2016.

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