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  • S_x96x_S


    válasz S_x96x_S #3810 üzenetére

    Az AMD szemszögéből ez egy még kiélezettebb versenyt jelent.
    - az APU/Cloud/AI terén az nVidia
    - másrészt minimalizálja az ARM-es procik egy foglalaton belüli stratégiát. ( ami még felmerült a ZEN születésének idején )

    ezután mondja valaki meggyőzően,
    hogy az ARM nem fenyegeti a desktop piacot ..

    Huang told me that first thing that the combined company will do is to, “bring NVIDIA technology through Arm’s vast network.” So I’d expect NVIDIA GPU and NPU IP to become available quickly to smartphone, tablet, TV and automobile SoC providers as quickly as possible.

    When asked what would change, I liked Huang’s response as it is the first place I would go. He said, “What will change is the rate of our roadmap. We know for sure that data centers and clouds are clamoring for the Arm microprocessor, the Arm CPU. Energy efficiency directly translates to computing capacity, computing throughput, and the cost of provisioning service.” There’s that big core CPU I talked about. Arm has done an exceptional job with its stepped-up datacenter investments and I view AWS’s Graviton2 as the highlight so far in general-purpose computing. While Huang made it very clear its GPUs will continue to support x86 and POWER platforms, I can imagine more NVIDIA datacenter GPUs connecting to Arm-based CPUs in the future. It’s a mammoth opportunity."
    (via forbes )

    még nekem is emésztenem kell ...
    A trónok harca ... avagy a CPU architektúrák és cégek harca ..

    a fogadásokat meg lehet tenni ..
    3 év múlva vissza olvassuk ki mit jövendölt ..


    Mottó: "A verseny jó!"

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