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    Network accelerators, sometimes called smartNICs, are a different story. They offload packet processing from the CPU, and in addition to Intel, Nvidia and Marvell also have network-accelerator offerings. Newman says there is a strong need for their ability to maximize the utility of general-purpose CPUs to run optimized workloads, and AMD can’t ignore it. “We’re at a point now where we’re trying to optimize every bit of our computing architectural resources. So yeah, I think that’s a gap that they’re either gonna need to fill in on their own or through partnership,” he said.

    But rather than make a network processor, Norrod believes the Xilinx FPGA technology will allow for a different level of processing. “It’s really more about adaptive computing for data-flow oriented workloads,” he said. “There’s a lot of cryptographic applications, networking applications, security applications, and storage that benefit from [FPGA] as well. And so there’s a lot of interesting areas that we think the Xilinx technology brings to the table.”

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