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    válasz joysefke #23016 üzenetére

    Semmi köze hozzá, hogy hány tevékenységet raktál fel, egy képlet alapján számolja, pl:
    [link] Itt 7:26 volt az átlag GAP 6:35.

    Grade Adjusted Pace (GAP)

    Grade Adjusted Pace estimates an equivalent pace when running on flat land, allowing the runner to compare hilly and flat runs more easily. Because running uphill requires extra effort, the Grade Adjusted Pace will be faster than the actual pace run. When running downhill, the Grade Adjusted Pace will be slower than the actual pace.

    The adjustment generally becomes larger as the grade steepens, although research has shown that the downhill adjustment peaks around -20%, after which it becomes slightly less extreme. Grade Adjusted Pace does not account for terrain differences or the technical difficulty of running downhill. The calculation of Grade Adjusted Pace is inspired by work done by C.T.M Davies and Alberto Minetti studying the effects of grade on the energy cost of running.

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