Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • kovyhun


    válasz byson55 #8725 üzenetére

    én ezt használom:

    # Script to forward SMS from GSM Modem Inbox to Email #
    # Note: The SMS is removed from the inbox after being sent to Email, #
    # even if the Email fails to be sent #
    # Remember to set up /Tools/SMS with the USB port of your #
    # Modem and the info channel. Put anything in secret and #
    # make sure Receive Enabled is ticked #
    # Tested on Rb751U RouterOS v5.12 with Huawei E367 #
    # Peter James 2012-04-04 #

    :local EmailAddress "your_email_address";
    :local smsPhone;
    :local smsTimeStamp;
    :local smsMessage;
    :local smsContent;
    # Get System Identity #
    :local SystemID [/system identity get name];
    :log info "SMS to Email script started";
    # Set Receive Enabled, in case it was cleared by a router reboot #
    /tool sms set receive-enabled=yes;
    delay 2;
    # loop through all the messages in the inbox #
    :foreach i in=[/tool sms inbox find] do={
    :set smsPhone [/tool sms inbox get $i phone];
    :set smsTimeStamp [/tool sms inbox get $i timestamp];
    :set smsMessage [/tool sms inbox get $i message];
    :set smsContent "Router ID: $SystemID\nSMS Received from: $smsPhone\nDate&Time: $smsTimeStamp\nMessage: $smsMessage";
    :log info $smsContent;
    /tool e-mail send tls=yes subject="$SystemID GSM Modem SMS Received" to=$EmailAddress body="$smsContent";
    # Now remove the SMS from the inbox #
    /tool sms inbox remove $i;
    delay 10;
    # clear Receive Enabled, so info channel can be used by other scripts #
    /tool sms set receive-enabled=no;
    :log info "SMS to Email script complete";

    (Nem engedi ez az új fórum programkódba formázni)

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák