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  • PuMbA


    válasz A Zéé #28672 üzenetére

    Illetve arra is figyelni kell, ha ez számít, hogy a túl erős filterek már színtorzulást okoznak:

    "There are numerous ND filters capable of blocking upwards of 10 stops of light. These are sometimes referred to as "Black Filters" – reflecting their appearance – and what you see when looking through the viewfinder. While amazing, these filters are not without their drawbacks.

    Perhaps the most significant drawback of blocking 8 to 10 stops of light with the filters available today is the resulting color tone issue. While these filters attempt to block all wavelengths of visible light evenly, the results do not always reflect this. A warm or cool tone is the expected result of using such strong filtration. White balancing during post processing is generally the answer to this problem."

    Néhány esetben jobb tud lenni egy 4-6 stop-os ND.

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