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    válasz ngabor2 #740 üzenetére

    nekem most a usr/lib/mozilla-firefox mappában levő 1.0.7-es firefox-ot futtatva is az 1.5ös jön be, ez mitől lehet?

    Másik kérdés: el tudnátok magyarázni szájbarágósan, hogyan kell felinstallálni ezt a játékot: (innen szedtem le: [link])

    [[ Frozen-Bubble ]]


    SDL_mixer >= 1.2.2

    SDL perl >= 1.19.0

    If you compile by hand, double-check you first compile SDL, then SDL_image
    and SDL_mixer, then SDL perl, otherwise you might get the error that
    NewFont.al is not found.

    Installation instructions

    [*] First, build Frozen-Bubble and provide the prefix where the
    game will be installed (most probably /usr or /usr/local).

    make OPTIMIZE=''my_arch_opt_flags'' PREFIX=''my_prefix''

    [*] Second, install the files on the system.

    - if you're root (case when you build a Debian package, or
    when you build it locally on your own machine), you will
    choose the same prefix location than for previous step

    make install PREFIX=''my_prefix''

    - if you're not root (case when you build a RPM package), you
    need to install to a temporary directory where you have
    write access

    make install PREFIX=''/home/my_home/tmp/my_buildroot''

    Then an external program such as RPM will collect the
    installed files and write the package.

    thx :R

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák