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  • Tuninger


    Sony tegnap bejelentett két új szenzort:

    Sensor 1:
    16 channels (which is crazy, normally it should be 😎,
    Sensor 2:
    on-chip PDAF
    The source also told me the sensors will have this:
    1: Weighted pixel binning: improve the image quality when shooting videos with pixel binning. Already featured in a lot of Sony sensors.
    2: A new dual-gain ADC mode: improve the dynamic range by almost 2 stops. The sensor loses 50% speed when using it. Details not known yet. Already in XT3’s sensor.
    3: Digital Overlap HDR (DOL-HDR): It’s like bracketing, but you can shoot 2 frames almost at the same time! (The minimum time interval is only 1/6000 seconds). All the new sensors with 3.76um pixel size have this function.
    As I said I am 99% sure the rumors is valid and these sensors will be on market soon. UPDATE: The source now added that these two sensors will be available for Sony own products and for third party companies.
    My guess is that the A7sIII or other High End Sony E-mount cameras will not use those sensors!

    Bár látszik hogy a 8K videó az irány, úgy gondolom hogy a processzorok még nem tartanak ott. De azért reménykedem benne hogy ezek lesznek az A7S III / A7R4-ben, még ha nem is lesz engedélyezve a teljes fent olvasható tudás.

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák